Affiliation Number: 2131065 and School Code: 70955

Affiliated to Central Board of Secomdary Education, New Delhi

St Francis' Mission School,

Vrindavan Colony sec 5 D, Telibagh, Lucknow

From Academic Head’s Desk

Dear Patrons

“When a plant is carefully nurtured by a gardener, then the plant produce a better fruit.”

I strongly believe in this. Therefore, the children must be given a good training from their earliest childhood. The true foundation and learning begins from the age of 3. Keeping this in mind, our founders brought this beautiful Montessorie education system which started in the year 1988 with a humble beginning with ______ kids.

With the tremendous support and dedication of the management, the present strength of the school grew year by year and presently it is nearly 1500.

We, at St. Francis, strive to provide children foundation for life. Our faculty consists of very experienced and energetic teachers. We strive to create a classroom culture that balances freedom with responsibility while encouraging cooperation and critical thinking and compassion. The growth of children from the stage of dependence to the stage of independence is a pleasure to watch.

Looking forward to receive your child into our care.

Best Regards,
Keith Charles

Admission Enquiry

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