Affiliation Number: 2133064 and School No.: 61225

Affiliated to Central Board of Secomdary Education, New Delhi

Vill. Daulatpur,

New By Pass (Bamba Road), Firozabad


The school has a State- of- the-Art Library where students are encouraged to come any day during break time to issue and return books besides regular library class schedules.

For classes Nursery to V, inculcation of reading habits is done through ‘Reading Aloud’, ‘Story telling’, ‘Quizzes’and ‘Online book reading’ etc. The librarian also introduces various competitions like ‘Author Profiles’ and ‘Book Reviews’ in order to evaluate the reading habits of students. These features have made the library a popular place for students.

A well stacked library is at the disposal of students . This collection comprises of Non-Fiction and Fiction segment for Primary, Middle and Senior level students. There are standard reference books available like Encyclopedia Britannica, World Book Encyclopedia, Child Craft, Time-Life Publications, Year Books, Competition Success, Popular Science, Illustrated encyclopedia of wildlife, Eyewitness guides, Dictionaries like Oxford, Webster’s, Cambridge, Reader’s Digest, Visual Dictionaries, Cultures of the World, Biographical encyclopedia and many more, encompassing all possible subject areas of an academic institution.

The school subscribes to various dailies, weekly and monthly journals, newsletters and magazines. These periodicals provide general reading for knowledge and awareness to specific needs like preparing for competitions and competitive exams for students and faculty members.

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